My Facination with the Fantastic



Couldn’t find any holo blue prints for Omega Valor or November Ajax online, so using Gipsy Avenger’s Holo Blueprint as a template I photoshopped a mocked up a version that I could in my latest Jaeger Homage video on youtube. UPDATE: Added mock up holo-blueprints for Shao Drone and Scrapper (they are plain because I don’t know the official name/specs on their abilities and weapons) I also  a holo-print for my the latest version of my custom Jaeger Azure Defiant 2.0.


Pacific Rim Jaeger Tribute: Movie and Custom

In honor of the new sequel Pacific Rim: Uprising I was inspired to do a little tribute to one of my favorite movies of all time by sharing some artwork photoshop edits I had done along with some custom jaegers I had done in the past in a fun little video.

Using the Pacific Rim Jaeger Design App which sadly doesn’t work anymore =( but I was able to photoshop, mash up and kitbash from some of my favorite fandoms which include Mass Effect, Halo, Transformers, Star Wars, Destiny, Macross, Appleseed and so much more. Hope you enjoy and thanks for watching!

Video Game Avengers Mash-Up: Civil War

Wasn’t quite happy with the layout of my last Civil War Video Game Avengers crossover so decided to redo the whole thing. I also updated it with a few characters that would be a better fit. Also made a youtube video with more images and showing the combinations process. Have fun and if you get a chance and like the video please give the video a like and subscribe. Thanks again everyone!

New Attack on Titan Artwork

Inspired to do something fun and creative and In anticipation to the Attack on Titan Video game coming out soon I finally finished my Mikasa Ackerman fan art but didn’t stop there and did a Eren Jaeger and Annie Leonhardt. I went for a slighty different art style and tried to do a more older battle weary versions of the characters. Levi, Sasha and Hange coming soon

WonderCon LA 2016 Adventure

Wondercon was different this year, moved from the Anahiem Convention Center to the Downtown Los Angeles Convention Center. Different but still fun, (Glad though that WonderCon is moving back to Anahiem next year I prefer the more relaxed atmosphere of that venue….would even be more glad if it moved back to San Francisco where it belongs eventually) Got to have some great adventures and catch up with some old friends and made fantastic new ones, which made up for one amazing 3 day adventure! Loving the con atmosphere most people are super nice (although ran into a few that can be either be rudeypoo, pushy or snobtastic at times) but overall was an awesome experience

Candid and mini photo shoot adventure images.



New Cosplay: Clone Wars General Kenobi

For my next cosplay I started working on clone wars version of general Obi Wan Kenobi from the clone wars but more specifically an action figure where Obi-Wan actually wore a clone commander helmet, since I  look nothing like Obi-Wan this was my chance to cosplay him without looking actually looking like him. I photoshopped what the final product should look like so join me on my next cosplay adventure.

SVCC 2016 Adventure

SVCC16_SQUAD_GOALS2The first ever Silicon Valley Comic Con 2016 happened a few months ago (sorry for the late post work has been crazy and finally able to catch up) and wow what a fun time. An evolution of what was once the Big Wow Comic Con had definitely “leveled up.” Other than a few problems with logistics (lines, parking etc. inherent with most large cons”) This con was a blast. Celebrities from TV and Cinema  vendors and of course awesome cosplayers made converged on the San Jose Convention Center and gave Lil Obi-Rus and I one helluva adventure.  Please join us once again on our adventure and hope you have a great time with us.

Candid and mini photoshoot adventures

N7-Mass Effect Armor Cosplay Dev

Completed several stages for my eva foam N7/Deadspace 3 Mashup armor below are the several stages the armor and helmet went through as well as some examples of me cosplaying the armor at a few cons. I often plan to cosplay the armor at least one day at con but I find the lil Obi-Rus adventures takes a priority and this cosplay is not great on arm flexibility for taking photographs so I either go half armor or none at all.
Update: Continuing to update, upgrade and add to the armor. Lately I’ve taken an X-Coser N7 Breather helmet purchased on ebay and re-cut and customized the face mask and repainted for the distressed look, looking to add a omni-tool and a Black Widow to the ensemble. Keep your eyes out posting progress pics soon.


Mass Effect Cosplay Development

Cosplay Adventure: Sac Anime FW2016

Had a small but fun adventure at Sac Anime, met some new and awesome cosplayers and even took an old bud out for the fun. Couldn’t get as many adventure pics Obi’Rus’s day job took that time away, sorry.


Obi-Rus Kenobi’s StocktonCon 2015 Adventure

My hometown Stockton Ca., gets a bad rap for a lot of things but once again this  past weekend a small but really fun Con happened, it wasn’t big, it wasn’t extensive, but it small fun and chill which is something I think went missing in a lot of cons. On the 2nd day of the con I cosplayed my Commander Shepard Mass Effect/Deadspace3 Armor Mashup, Only 2nd time cosplaying in full armor it was a little overwhelming but  thanks to my confam it made it a little less daunting and actually a lot of fun which brough about the selfies in cosplay. I had a great time with some awesome cosplayers, some great vendors and special guests. Score 2 for my home town of Stockton Ca. and thanks to everyone in the following pics for being so nice and incredible.

SDCC Comic Con 2015 Lil Obi-Rus Adventures

Wondercon 2015 Adventures of Lil Obi Rus Kenobi

Lil Obi-Rus had an awesome adventure at wondercon2015. This time Lil Obi-Rus #Cosplayed as an #avenger but he couldn’t decide which one so he did a #mashup He got to share some great moments with some old friends and made some new ones and was excited for some friends winning best in show for their #bigherosix #cosplay If you like please follow, like or share the fun. Thanks!

Video Game Avengers 2: Age of Glad0s Fan Art Crossover/Mashup

With the new Avengers Movie Age of Ultron coming I had to do an update to my Video Game Avengers Mashup/Crossover so here is my latest interpretation of Video Game Avengers but Age of Ultron style. I have updates to Mass Effect’s Shepard/Captain America, Halo’s Master Chief/Iron Man also with SplatterHulk Buster Armor, Metroid’s Samus Aran/Black Widow, God of War’s Kratos/Thor, Assassin’s Creed Connor/Hawkeye, Metal Gear’s Solid Snake/Nick Fury, Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft/Maria Hill, Rick Taylor from Splatterhouse/Hulk and added new characters like Sonic as Quicksilver, Jeanne from Bayonetta as the Scarlet Witch and Mega Man as the Vision. Single character images to follow:

(Intended for FanArt/Parody credit to original art reference sources property of Marvel, Disney, Bioware, EA, Konami, Capcom, Ubisoft, Nintendo, Bungie, Sony, Crystal Dynamics and Sega)


Avengers 2: Age of Ultron trailer 2

My first foray into Cosplay N7 Issac Shepard MassEffect/DeadSpace3 Armor

I think I got a lil ambitious for my first foray into cosplay, decided to do my own custom Mass Effect Shepard N7/DeadSpace 3 Issac Clarke N7 Armor, improvised a lot but I think I got the helmet done, just one final plasti-dip coating and detail paint and it’s good to go now to construct the rest of the armor eva foam, also incorporated plans for a matching lil obi-rus compartment, but spare time is in short supply so I probably won’t be done until WonderCon 2015, but what a fun and creative way to blow off steam from the day job.


Star Wars Mass Effect Mash Up/Crossover Fan Art

Added some major updates to this post so had to reblog. Hope everyone has fun with it =)

The adventures of Obi-Rus Kenobi

It was bound to happen sooner or later for me, I guess I can’t stop mashing up Mass Effect with my other favorite fandoms and there is no bigger fandom for me than Star Wars. I’ve seen other Star Wars/Mass Effect fan art before. The ones that stood out for me were an N7 clone trooper  a Salarian Jedi and Asari Sith by Zarnala which were were pretty awesome but I wanted to try my take on it. Like my Avengers, Community and Pacific Rim Mass Effect Crossovers I like to try matching characters that would best match or would just be a cool idea. Utilizing the photoshop digital art style I did previously with my clone wars fan art (used the same layout) I ran with the similarities in the two universes I thought the Force would be comparable to Biotics and Jedi were sort of like Spectres so…

View original post 284 more words

Lil ObiRus StocktonCon 2014 Adventure

My hometown Stockton Ca., gets a bad rap for a lot of things but this past weekend a small but really fun Con happened, it wasn’t big, it wasn’t extensive, but it small fun and chill which is something I think went missing in a lot of cons. I had a great time with some awesome cosplayers, some great vendors and special guests. Score 1 for my home town of Stockton Ca.


Lil Obi-Rus Adventures SDCC Comic-Con 2014

Star Wars Mass Effect Mash Up/Crossover Fan Art

It was bound to happen sooner or later for me, like mad scientist I guess I can’t stop mashing up Mass Effect with my other favorite fandoms and there is no bigger fandom for me than Star Wars. I’ve seen other Star Wars/Mass Effect fan art before. The ones that stood out for me were an N7 clone trooper  a Salarian Jedi and Asari Sith by Zarnala which were were pretty awesome but I wanted to try my take on it. Like my Avengers, Community and Pacific Rim Mass Effect Crossovers I like to try matching characters that would best match or would just be a cool idea. Utilizing the photoshop digital art style I did previously with my clone wars fan art (used the same layout) I ran with the similarities in the two universes I thought the Force would be comparable to Biotics and Jedi were sort of like Spectres so I went from there and I started with my favorite characters Obi-Wan and thought he was much like Admiral Anderson the mentor to Shepard and from there I thought Saren a former Spectre would be a good match to Darth Maul. Garrus and Wrex were never smugglers but I thought pairing them up as a Han and Chewie would be fun because they are just as beloved and the ball went rolling from there with Liara, Legion, EDI, and the Illusive Man. I couldn’t finish my Luke Skyshepard in time but stay tuned it’s coming soon (and if you want a FemShep version Leia Skyshepard is coming soon also) along with a Kai Leng as Boba Fett and Cerberus Soldiers as Stormtroopers, Miranda as the Emperor’s hand Mara Jade , Admiral Ackbar as Hackett, Batarian Raiders. Samara would be Aayla Secura. Not only characters I will be doing vehicles as well so look out for the Normandy Falcon as well. I do this for fun to blow off creative steam in a fun so I hope no one takes these ultra seriously. I hope you have as much fun with these as I did creating them and for the latest updates please follow me on here or on  twitter, facebook and instagram. May the Force be with You!

*UPDATE 9.1.2014 I wasn’t happy with how the Luke Skyshepard’s face turned out I think I tried to literal to make it mix between real photos of Luke and Shepard and ignored the clone wars art style that I did with Kenobi, so I redid and updated and much more happy with it. I may tinker more with the other images as well. Thanks!

‘Pacific Rim 2’ Is Official And It Isn’t Arriving Alone According To Guillermo Del Toro



MiniBobaFett at Big WOW! ComicFest 2014

Check out my lil buddy MiniBobaFett’s adventures at BigWow ComicFest 2014 even Lil Obi-Rus make an appearance with @macy_rose/BethGreene at the 1:42 mark, like, follow or subscribe to this awesome lil guy

Lil Obi-Rus Cosplay adventures Big Wow Comic Fest San Jose

Lil Obi-Rus had a great but short time at Big Wow Comic Fest, met some familiar faces and some new friends with awesome new adventures!

Spider-Man & Mary Jane Selfie Fan Art

Last night had an awesome idea for a selfie…but not mine…but of Mary Jane Parker (yea I know their marriage was undone in the comics blah blah blah but for me it’s always been about Peter and Mary Jane…sorry Gwen) and Peter taking a selfie together along with a “goofy” selfie…how fun would that did a quick digital paint in photoshop which turned out a lil better than I thought so I thought i’d share…still needs some clean-up but here’s the gist of it, especially on the heels of ASM2 coming out this week! enjoy!

Lil Obi Rus Adventures: Wondercon 2014

Had an absolutely great time at Wondercon 2014, had a great time at the Star Wars Rebels Panel and even had a greater time with Lil Obi-Rus and his adventures with the different cosplayers. These cosplayers were great some were really busy and still had time to share a lil adventure with lil Obi-Rus, even managed to track down some great cosplayers from Wizard World Sacramento. Edward Kenway (@sithofthenorth) and Daenerys (@samskylerart) to continue an adventure. They were all great just wish I had the time to have more adventures! I  posted contact information for some of the cosplayers in the image captions so if you get the chance please follow, like, subscribe etc… and support the great creativity and fun. If your one of the cosplayers featured and contact information is not provided just let me know and I will add it. Thanks again all the cosplayers featured and hope to continue the adventure with you all!  May the force be with you all…always!